The Dual Language Immersion (DLI) Leadership Team should then visit several experienced and successful DLI programs (with a minimum of 4 years implementation) in order to see what an instructional day looks like for each program (90:10, 50:50) and implementation (whole school, strand within a school) model being considered.

For recommendations regarding which experienced and successful DLI programs to visit,

  • Contact your County Office of Education’s English Learner Department.
  • Contact your state affiliate of the National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE).
    • In California, it is the California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE).
      • There are 5 CABE regions in California, and each has a regional representative who can recommend experienced and successful DLI programs in their region of the state.
      • Other state affiliates of NABE may have the same type of resources for you.
  • Check the website for DLI programs in your area.

Once the visits are completed, the DLI Leadership Team should gather together to analyze the data from the responses to the questions they received during the visits for each program and implementation model. This analysis should inform the subsequent decisions of the DLI Leadership Team on these topics.

If you would like an expert DLI consultant from CABE PDS to support you in planning and implementing your DLI program, submit your request below.