Ensure that there will be funds for professional development for teachers and administrators as it relates to the dual language immersion (DLI) program.

  • Encumber funds to cover annual DLI conference attendance
    • For district and site administration
    • For teachers and instructional aides in program
  • Secure funds to bring consultants to provide professional development on DLI education
    • For district and site administration
    • For teachers and instructional aides in program
    • For classified staff at program site
  • Consider release time and/or stipends for teachers to attend DLI professional development
    • May necessitate a conversation and memorandum of understanding with the teachers’ union
    • Release time for DLI professional development during school year; stipends for time beyond contract for DLI teachers

Guiding Principles for Dual Language Education: Strand 5, Staff Quality and Professional Development, Principle 2; Strand 7, Support and Resources, Principle 2

If you would like an expert DLI consultant from CABE PDS to support you in planning and implementing your DLI program, submit your request below.