It is important to include key parents of English Learners from each school site where the dual language immersion (DLI) program will be implemented.
- Often they are members of the English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) at the site.
- They are a direct connection to the families of the English Learners in the community the includes site’s attendance area.
- Their participation will provide the DLI Leadership Team their perspective on and interest in the success of all of the English Learners in the DLI program.
- Others may be interested in the impact of the DI program at the school site.
- They may want assurances that the decisions being made about the DLI program will not have any negative effect on the other programs for English Learners at the site.
Guiding Principles for Dual Language Education: Strand 6, Family and Community, Principle 3; Strand 7, Support and Resources, Principle 1