Professors emeriti, Virginia Collier and Wayne Thomas, both from George Mason University, are internationally known for their research on long-term school effectiveness for linguistically and culturally diverse students.
The research by Collier and Thomas on dual language education is perhaps the most well-known across the United States ( Their longitudinal studies of student achievement in various types of educational programs for English Learners are considered seminal work in the field, and the graph of their findings is often used by districts as the rationale for starting a dual language immersion (DLI) program in their district:

Collier and Thomas have published many articles and books on dual language education. Below are just a few of their works:
Available at:
Thomas, W. P., & Collier, V. P. (2002). A national study of school effectiveness for language minority students' long-term academic achievement. Thomas, W. P., & Collier, V. P. (2012). Dual language education for a transformed world. Dual Language Education of New Mexico/Fuente Press.