50:50 MODEL
In the 50:50 dual language immersion (DLI) model, the target language is used in kindergarten for 50% of the instructional time and English is used for 50%.
- At each grade level, the amount of instruction in the English and the target language remain the same, as per the charts, below, and is considered a "simultaneous literacy" model, as developing literacy in the target language and English are focused on simultaneously.
- The 50:50 DI model requires a closely aligned curricular program where instruction in key content areas, such as language arts and math, so that the skills are not retaught in both languages, but rather are built upon in each language.

*For many programs, the percentage in the target language is reduced further at the secondary level, often to 30%-40%, or a minimum of 2 courses/classes, for reasons that include lack of highly qualified biliterate teachers with a secondary credential in the various subject areas.