The SUPPORT FOR IMMIGRANT AND REFUGEE STUDENTS project addresses the social emotional and educational need of students and their families suffering from stress and worry due to family immigration status or experiences as refugees.
The training will prepare each participant to effectively utilize the SUPPORT FOR IMMIGRANT AND REFUGEE STUDENTS curriculum. A major outcome of this training is for participants to deepen their knowledge and address the needs of Immigrant and Refugee Students and their families, to understand the importance of fully including immigrant and refugee parents in school communities. Schools should be actively seeking ways to empower parents to serve as advocates for their children and their schools -regardless of their immigrant status or English language ability. This curriculum offers an excellent opportunity to strengthen trusting relationships among participants being; administrators, school staff, families and or community leaders, to effectively engage immigrant families in a culturally sensitive manner and learn more about immigrant communities’ concerns and needs.
Community Learning Theory (CLT), in which the SUPPORT FOR IMMIGRANT AND REFUGEE STUDENTS curriculum project is designed using the following conceptual framework:
The Community Learning Theory approach is a method of engaging people in developing knowledge responsive to their needs and aspirations while building their capacity for personal and group success. Parents, teachers, school staff administrators and community members are encouraged to work together for the purpose of developing mutual trust and respect thus empowering participants to work collaboratively at their school sites to enhance services for all students.
Overview and Background of Project SUPPORT FOR IMMIGRANT AND REFUGEE STUDENTS consists of 3 curriculum modules which focus on the following;
• Support for Immigrant Families: Raising awareness of current political climate
• Support for Immigrant youth: The rapidly growing majority
• Welcoming Schools: Safe spaces for all students
• As part of the training participants will receive a toolkit that includes: